This web site is a member resource for wellbeing. It is a private support tool for people who have behavioral health, Employee Assistance Program, Work-Life or Wellness benefits that their company, organization or state provides through United Behavioral Health (UBH), an affiliate of UnitedHealthcare and a subsidiary of United Health Group (UHG), including where United Behavioral Health may be operating under the Optum or OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions brands. Optum is the services division of UnitedHealth Group (UHG).

UBH/Optum administers the benefits and owns the web site. All health content intended for U.S. consumers is developed or reviewed by qualified U.S. licensed content experts such as physicians or other content experts or specialists. This site is free of advertising and spyware. Your registration information is not sold or shared. More information at

UHG is a fortune 500 company headquartered in Minnesota, USA. UHG is a diversified health care company and a leader worldwide in helping people live healthier lives and helping to make the health system work better for everyone. Information about the executive team and annual reports may be accessed at

Contact Information:

Optum Headquarters
13625 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

United Behavioral Health
595 Market Street, 23rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104

UnitedHealth Group
PO Box 1459
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1459
(800) 328-5979

Important Note Regarding Site Content

The information and content (collectively "Content") on this website (the "Site") is for your general educational information only. This Site does not knowingly post or publishes health content that either contains false or misleading claims or promotes ineffective or dangerous products. This site does not accept advertising or sponsorship. We do not have a financial or business relationship to any of the sites to which we link unless otherwise stated.

In compliance with the Optum Editorial Board and Content Management Policy we staff and maintain a content editorial board that meets semi-annually at a minimum. Content and links are managed via guidance from the Editorial Board and reviewed annually for currency, engagement, accessibility, appropriateness, and accuracy. The Editorial Board is chaired by the Vice President of Content Strategy and Cross Product Solutions. The LAWW Content Editor is a permanent board member. Other board members are Optum Specialty Networks behavioral health employees, selected by the chair for two-year terms from the following areas; Clinical Operations, Quality Improvement, Consumer Affairs, Account Management, and Product (Behavioral Health, Employee Assistance Program, Work Life). 

In compliance with the United Behavioral Health Policy, all Optum clinical personnel who use their professional clinical credentials within the context of their job responsibilities, are to be currently licensed in their respective discipline, and/or are to possess a current certificate or registration from a professional credentialing board in the United States. Primary source verification of required licenses and certifications isconducted at any point that a change in license status is detected, and within 30 days after expiration or every 12 months.

In compliance with the UnitedHealth Group conflict of interest policy employees may not engage in any activities, including outside employment, that conflict or appear to conflict with their responsibilities to and interest of UnitedHealth Group. This Policy sets forth UnitedHealth Group's requirement that employees avoid conflicts of interest and outlines the process and requirements for disclosing and addressing potential conflicts. This Policy is applicable to all authors as well.

Accreditation Information:

NCQA Accreditation

Optum has received the following NCQA Managed Behavioral Healthcare Organization Accreditations:

  • United Behavioral Health dba Optum
  • OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of California


About NCQA

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality everywhere. Since 1990, NCQA has assessed and reported on the quality of the nation's managed care plans. The information they provide is designed to help consumers and employers make more informed decisions about their health care. To learn more, visit their website here

URAC Accreditation

Optum has received the following accreditations:

  • URAC Health Utilization Management Accreditations:
    • Optum Behavioral
    • OptumHealth - Minnesota
    • OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of California


To learn more about URAC and its programs and accreditations, visit

The inclusion of links to other web sites does not imply any endorsement of the material on the web sites or any association with their operators. This site provides health information designed to complement and enhance your personal health management. It does not provide medical advice or other health services. It is not meant to replace professional advice or imply coverage of specific clinical services or products. The information featured in this site is general in nature and is not a substitute for professional health care. If you have specific health care needs, consult an appropriate health care professional.

© 2020 Optum, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, transmit or modify any information or content on this website in any form or by any means without the express written permission of Optum.

Este sitio de Internet es un recurso sobre bienestar dirigido a los miembros. Es una herramienta de apoyo privada para personas que tienen beneficios de salud mental, un Programa de Asistencia al Empleado, beneficios de Bienestar o para la Vida y el Trabajo que su compañía, organización o estado brinda a través de la subsidiaria de Optum, United Behavioral Health.

Optum administra los beneficios y el sitio de Internet. El contenido del sitio es sometido a la revisión de profesionales clínicos para garantizar que brinde una información confiable. El contenido no clínico es sometido a la revisión de profesionales con experiencia en el tema respectivo. Este sitio no contiene publicidad ni programas espía. Los datos que usted ingrese para su inscripción no se venden ni comparten con otros.

Optum provee información y servicios de salud basados en la tecnología. Tiene su sede en Eden Prairie, Minnesota, y emplea a más de 30,000 personas. Es una combinación especial de personas, capacidades, competencias, tecnologías, perspectivas y socios que comparten el mismo simple objetivo: hacer que el sistema de atención de la salud funcione mejor para todos.

No usamos la palabra “todos" a la ligera. Actualmente, trabajamos con médicos, hospitales, empresas, compañías de seguros, entidades del gobierno y personas particulares. Nuestro alcance se extiende a 140 países. Nuestras actividades se concentran en ofrecer soluciones integradas e inteligentes destinadas a modernizar completamente el sistema de atención de la salud y mejorar la salud general de las personas y de la población. Encontrará más información en

Información de Contacto:

Optum Headquarters
13625 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

United Behavioral Health
425 Market Street, 14th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

UnitedHealth Group
PO Box 1459
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1459
(800) 328-5979

Optum es la división de servicios de salud de UnitedHealth Group, una compañía Fortune 500 con sede en Minnesota. UnitedHealth Group es la compañía de atención de la salud más diversificada de los Estados Unidos. Es líder mundial en ayudar a las personas a llevar vidas más saludables y hacer que el sistema de salud funcione mejor para todos. En es posible tener acceso a la información sobre el equipo directivo y los informes anuales. Los servicios de salud mental son ofrecidos a través de una subsidiaria de United Health Group, United Behavioral Health.